Most patients donā€™t understand the language of trial materials ā€“ how can effective copywriting support people with lower health literacy to feel informed about clinical trials?


Reading that, you may have thought one thing, but you certainly didnā€™t think it meant: Weight Transferral Frequency, Intrinsic Safety, Urine, Pulse Rate, Occult Blood, Lupus Erythematosus, or Myopia. But it is something that a healthcare professional may have identified.

Itā€™s this sort of use of heavy medical jargon, abbreviations and acronyms that is causing an uphill battle for patients who want to be fully informed about clinical trials.

So what needs to happen? Simply, simplifying.

Jargon be gone

On average, it takes around 8 years for a doctor to become fully qualified depending on their speciality1 and in that time frame, their vocabulary becomes saturated with medical language.

SSc-ILDĀ might sound likeĀ scleroderma-associated interstitial lung diseaseĀ to a HCP, but to the average reader it sounds like something that would make their furniture fly around the room.

The issue with using medical jargon is that itā€™s not in the patientā€™s world; the average person doesnā€™t talk in code or shorthand.

ā€œPatients still receive documents that are 8,000 words long and full of complex medical information. They have to consent to move forward with treatment, even if the average person usually canā€™t fully understand what the materials say.ā€2

Many patient advocacy groups have made this point, includingĀ Grace Cordovano, PhD, who stated, ā€œNo patient should ever feel like they missed their opportunity. Patients have a right to be informed about all treatment options including clinical trials.ā€3

Some have identified the wording of clinical trial materials are solely to cover the legal side. But with this being written by a person with a strong medical background, itā€™s hard to imagine how anyone is comfortable joining a clinical trial they may not fully understand in the first place.

An image showing a quote about informed consent forms by a druf development professional

A recent survey carried out by SCORRĀ marketing, in which patients were asked what would most help them make informed decisions about participating. The answer was simple ā€“ make it easier for us to learn about clinical trials.5

Let me level with you

But medical jargon isnā€™t the only problem clinical trial recruitment is facing, patient literacy levels have been a shared concern of governments globally for quite some time.

1/7 of adults in England have the literacy level expected of a 9- to 11-year-old.6

Which means they may struggle with longer texts and unfamiliar topics; this can include things like food labels or household bills.6

And the story is similar in the US as Richard Carmona, M.D. says, ā€œThe poor state of health literacy in America is a crisis. It is an underlying cause of disparities. It is also a source of extensive disempowerment and perpetuates preventable disease.ā€7

Itā€™s not only reading and writing that some patients struggle with; communication levels can sometimes be a factor too.

This is a real conversation between a patient and her public health nurse. Jill is 21 and works as a house cleaner; she reads at a level equivalent to a 7 to 8 year-old.8

An image showing a conversation between a patient and her public health nurse

A little goes a long way

So what can be done? Finding the balance between communicating some occasional hefty science to patients without putting the clinical trialā€™s legality in jeopardy, can seem like a daunting task.

Itā€™s thought that people get caught up in the clinical aspect of it all and sometimes forget theyā€™re talking to real people living with real conditions. A report by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has said, ā€œDoctors can unintentionally use words that are unfamiliar to their patients, without realising that the meaning is not clear. Some concepts familiar and obvious to doctors may be alien to patients.ā€9

But we donā€™t need to dumb down the science for people to understand; we simply need to talk and communicate to people as we would every day, making small changes to allow the information to be accessible to all patients.

An image showing two lists one that uses clinical trial jargon, and the other showing simplified language to use

As well as changes to words and phrases, NHS research shows most adults struggle with statistics within health content. So instead of saying: ā€œeight out of 10 people recover fully in a weekā€, say: ā€œwithin a few days, you should feel betterā€.10

Weā€™re Here to Help

The world of clinical trial recruitment can be confusing and difficult to talk to patients about. With complex therapy areas and intricate protocols, communicating the right thing can be problematic.

However, we at Faze are experts in making trials accessible, by using clear and concise communication ā€“ we get patients.

If you would like to talk about your clinical trial recruitment efforts, get in touch to see how we can support you, atĀ